Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ordning Scale from IKEA (Price in Malaysia: RM 99, price in US$ 39.99)

This shouldn’t be my first post. Honestly. Because I shouldn’t be writing a virtually-flawless review at first. It sets a bad precedent, also spoils my own market. And I certainly don’t wanna sound biased on my first review.

Back to the scale. This piece of metal is a gem. The digital display slides in and out smoothly, and creates a compact circle perfect for storage. The numbers are *almost* always correct (provided you don’t temper with the surface before the display is on).

Drawbacks? Besides the price tag, I have to press the display for a while (5-7 secs) to turn it off: SLOW SHUTTER RESPONSE, that’s one. Also, the maximum load is only 3kg (approx. 6.6 lbs). Could do better.

Anyhow, this is a must-have in every household. I don’t use it in the kitchen but more on parcels that I need to ship out. It works wonders. I calculate my shipping fees solely on this lifesaver, but I wouldn’t recommend it for the use of anything heavier than 3kg (Yes, DO NO stand on it or the gadgets inside might pop out...). I’d give 4 ½ stars.

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